General Requirements

General Requirements

  • Students should not bring liquid paper, permanent markers, or felt pens to school. 

  • Students must use the scientific calculator as listed. They will not be permitted to utilise mobile phones as calculators.

  • Students studying Furnishing Skills, Certificate II in Engineering Pathways & Science subjects are also encouraged to purchase their own personal safety glasses (options). The school will supply them to those who don't have them.

  • Students studying HPE subjects will require a school hat or equivalent (sun safety).

  • Students involved in practical subjects in Science laboratories, kitchens, and workshops will be required to wear school leather shoes in these areas.

  • Where students require a graphics calculator for Mathematics, an email outlining how and where to purchase these calculators will be emailed to parents.

  • Students studying Food & Nutrition require food-safe containers for practical lessons.

  • Students studying Fashion require materials for personalised assessment tasks (TBA).

  • As many of our resources are provided digitally, students are required to have a laptop. Please refer to our website for device specifications and details of the BYOD program. 

  • Subjects not listed below do not require purchases. In addition, certain subjects incur a levy that will cover the cost of some consumables.